


JMF contents (Vol 28 Iss 1) 안내

첨부파일명 : 작성자 관리자 조회수 26


Metabolites Generated from Foods Through Lactic Fermentation and Their Benefits on the Intestinal Microbiota and Health

Daniela Guzmán-EscaleraElia Herminia Valdés-MiramontesLaura E. Iñiguez-MuñozZyanya Reyes-Castillo, and Ana C. Espinoza-Gallardo



Mini Review

Nutritional Aspects in the Neurodevelopment of Autism: Folate, Stress, and Critical Periods

George Ayoub



Full Communications

Avenanthramides Ameliorate Insulin Resistance by Modulating Gluconeogenesis and Glycogen Synthesis in HepG2 Cells

Seonghwa HongHuijin HeoHyun-Joo KimHeon Sang JeongHana Lee, and Junsoo Lee


Schisandrol A Alleviates Allergic Asthma in Mice via Regulating the NF-κB/IκBα and Nrf2/HO-1 Signaling Pathways

Yang DongYi-Zhuo ZouTing LiJing-Hui SunHe LiWen-Yue ZhuangYan Song, and Chun-Mei Wang


In Vitro Apoptotic and Antiproliferative Activity of Hypericum Perforatum Extract on Human Osteosarcoma Cell Line

Percin Pazarcı and Halil M. Kaplan


Fatty Acids Derived from Royal Jelly Exert Anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial Activities in the Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-Induced Acute Pneumonia

Jiangqin DaiHaixing GuanLinlin ZhangHehe JiangWen SuJue WangXiaolei Jia, and Zheng Pang


Cervus Elaphus and Eucommia Ulmoides Extract Blend Attenuates Muscle Atrophy by Regulating Protein Metabolism and Antioxidant Activity

Jeongjin ParkGi-Bang KooHan Ol KwonJong Han Kim, and Woojin Jun


Natural Honey Proteins Prevent Diet-Induced Obesity and Metabolic Disorders in Rats

Atia GoharRichard L. AtkinsonDarakhshan J. HaleemKhaled Fahmi Fawy, and Muhammad Shakeel


Evaluation of Hair Growth Promoting Activity of Standardized Soybean Extract on Testosterone-Induced Alopecia

Alaa YoussefDalia A. Al-MahdyRabab H. SayedMouchira A. Choucry, and Hesham El-Askary


Efficacy and Safety of Vuong Hoat Natural Health Supplement in Managing Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Phuong T. PhamQuan T. HoangLam V. TrinhAnh K. NguyenBo Han, and Ba X. Hoang


Association Between Consumption of Foods Containing Vitamin D and All-Cause Mortality in Korea

Jung Hyun Kwak and Jean Kyung Paik



Short Communications

Anti-Diabetic Activity of Cordyceps-Fermented Edible Insects by the Promotion of Glucose Absorption

Beom Seok KimAyman TurkSolip LeeHak Hyun LeeMin Hee KimSo Yeong JeongEun-Bin KwonBang Yeon Hwang, and Mi Kyeong Lee


Respiratory Responses to a Single Oral Dose of Caffeine in Male Sprague–Dawley Rats

Sung-Hyun ChoMisook KimMiae Doo, and Jung-Heun Ha